Pet Obesity Awareness Month: Why Obesity is Unhealthy for Your Dogs and Cats

October 16, 2024

October is Pet Obesity Awareness Month, making it the perfect time to focus on the importance of keeping our furry friends fit and healthy. Just like with people, carrying extra weight can lead to a host of health problems for dogs and cats. From joint issues to heart disease, obesity can shorten your pet’s lifespan and reduce their quality of life.

But don’t worry! There are plenty of ways to help your pet get back on track to a healthier weight, and we’re here to guide you through it. At Pet Care On Highland, we believe that education is the first step toward preventing pet obesity and ensuring that your four-legged companions live long, happy, and healthy lives.

Why Is Pet Obesity a Problem?

We all love to spoil our pets—who can resist those big, pleading eyes? But feeding your dog or cat too many treats or allowing them to be sedentary can have serious consequences. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, over 50% of dogs and cats in the U.S. are overweight or obese. And while a pudgy pet may seem cute, obesity can have far-reaching effects on your pet’s overall health.

Here’s why obesity is a big deal for your dog or cat:

  1. Joint Problems: Carrying extra weight puts a lot of pressure on your pet’s joints, which can lead to arthritis and mobility issues. Over time, this can make it painful for your pet to move around, impacting their ability to enjoy everyday activities like playing fetch or climbing the cat tree.
  2. Heart Disease: Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular problems in pets. The extra fat puts stress on their heart, which can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other related issues.
  3. Diabetes: Just like in humans, obesity in pets can increase the likelihood of developing diabetes. This condition requires lifelong management and can be tricky (and costly) to treat.
  4. Shortened Lifespan: Perhaps the most heartbreaking consequence of pet obesity is that it can significantly shorten your dog or cat’s life. Studies show that overweight pets tend to live shorter lives compared to their healthier counterparts.

How Can You Tell If Your Pet Is Overweight?

It’s not always easy to tell if your pet is overweight, especially since every breed and body type is different. However, there are a few common signs to look for:

  • Can’t feel ribs easily: Run your hands along your pet’s side—if you can’t feel their ribs without pressing down, they might be carrying extra weight.
  • Lack of a waist: From above, a dog or cat should have a visible waist between the ribs and hips. If their shape looks more like a barrel, it’s time to take a closer look.
  • Difficulty moving: If your pet seems slower or struggles to get up, they may be experiencing joint pain from extra weight.

Not sure if your pet is overweight? At Pet Care On Highland, we’re here to help with wellness exams and weight assessments. We’ll guide you on how to get your pet to their ideal weight safely and effectively.

Tips for Helping Your Pet Lose Weight

Ready to help your pet shed those extra pounds? Here are some fun, easy, and effective ways to get started:

  1. Measure Meals: Rather than free-feeding, measure out your pet’s food according to the recommendations of your veterinarian. Sticking to proper portions can make a big difference in maintaining a healthy weight.
  2. Choose Low-Calorie Treats: We get it—treats are a big part of bonding with your pet! Instead of high-calorie options, try healthier alternatives like small bits of carrot, green beans, or specially formulated low-calorie pet treats.
  3. Increase Activity: For dogs, daily walks and playtime are essential to burn off excess calories. For cats, engaging them with interactive toys or encouraging them to chase laser pointers can keep them moving.
  4. Schedule a Wellness Exam: Our team at Pet Care On Highland can help create a customized weight loss plan tailored to your pet’s needs. Regular check-ins and weigh-ins will help keep your pet on track!

Pet Care On Highland Is Here to Help

At Pet Care On Highland, we understand how much you love your pets and want to ensure they live their best lives. During Pet Obesity Awareness Month, let’s make a commitment to keeping our furry friends healthy and happy. If you’re concerned about your pet’s weight or just want to learn more about maintaining a healthy lifestyle for your pet, we’re here to help!

Worried your pet might be packing on the pounds? Schedule a wellness exam at Pet Care On Highland today at (863) 937-7914 or visit us at 222 West Highland Dr.,Lakeland, FL 33813! Our team will help assess your pet’s health and provide guidance on how to keep them fit, happy, and healthy for years to come.